It’s been a while since the last time I update this blog, which is unbelievably more than one month ago. I also forgot to renew domain and made this blog and it’s demo site inaccessible. For some reasons, I didn’t receive any email alert from my domain registrar to renew my domain, or perhaps it got mistakenly removed with other spam email. I’m sorry for the inconveniences.
Aside from that debacle, for the past month I’ve been developing my second WordPress theme and currently finalizing it. I’m still using the infamous Twitter Bootstrap v.2.3.6, like what I use on Exray Theme as my primary CSS framework. It’s getting bloated though, and I plan to look for another CSS framework that is much lighter and less gigantic than Bootstrap. Anyway, If you are interested to take a sneak peek, click here to view my second WordPress Theme, Neutro.