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Jakarta WordPress Meetup July 2017 – Clean Code Development

Cover Image for Jakarta WordPress Meetup July 2017 – Clean Code Development
Posted underEvent

Due to conflicting schedule and work, It’s been a while since the last time I’ve been participation on Jakarta WordPress Meetup. After receiving email notification about this July meetup,  I smile excitingly and cleared my schedule for the day. The last Jakarta WordPress meetup is quite memorable and looking forward to what kind of surprise this meetup have.

The Eleventh Jakarta WordPress Meetup was held on 25th July 2017 at Mozilla Community Space Jakarta, with Ivan Kristianto as speaker, discussing Clean Code Development. The location isn’t too far from my current workplace so I could come to the meetup in time. On the stage, Mr. Ivan explained how important to write a clean code when developing WordPress Themes and Plugins. The importance of DRY principle is stressed repeatedly in order to prevent bugs and Spaghetti code. I wholeheartedly agreed with the recommendation, but sometimes as developers we have to take shortcut to finish the projects in time, especially on tight deadline.

After finishing the talk, Mr. Ivan held AMA section about WordPress and Web development in general. I ask several question about best practices on Web development, the correct way using git version control and Ivan experience as full remote WordPress developer. Some of the answer was quite enlightening and really  motivated me to be a better developer. I plan to attend the next meetup in Bekasi, Hopefully It will be as good as this meetup


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